Saturday, November 16, 2013

Gumbo, football, and s'mores

Saturday night we went over to our friends the Broussard's for some amazing Gumbo, to watch the LSU vs. Alabama football game and make some s'mores! It was such fun night (even though LSU lost), and check out the size of this gumbo pot!

This pic was taken the night before Patrick shaved his beard, may it rest in peace.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Louisiana baby shower

My sweet friends here in Louisiana threw me a baby shower! I was so honored and grateful that they did, it was such a fun time! My friends are the best! I am so grateful to have these lovely ladies in my life!

 My pregnant friend Emily and her nephew Eli. 
Emily was due like 3 days after my shower. 

These sweet ladies are the ones who threw me the shower, Thanks again Bree and Heidi!!


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Over the weekend

On Friday night we had dinner with our friends Devin and Bree. Sorry about the candid picture, but it was the only one I took!

After dinner we went over to their cute house for dessert.

Yummy Chocolate Fondue!!

 On Saturday we went to Eli's first birthday party! This little boy is so adorable!

Check out this cake our friend Emily made! It turned out amazing!

 This little boy got more presents than he knew what to do with!

Needless to say, it was a pretty fun weekend.