Tuesday, April 8, 2014

A silly kind of love

 "Anyone can be passionate, but it takes real lovers to be silly." -Rose Franken 

When I found this quote I fell in love with it! This is one of my favorite things about our relationship, we love to be silly together! It's what makes us, us.
We have had an amazing 3 years together. We have laughed through the good times and the bad, and we know that there is a lot more in store for us. We hope to face it together hand in hand, and giggle to giggle. 
We are also looking forward to teaching our children how to laugh through life. To watch them be silly and happy when things are good, and show them how to find the silver lining on any cloud that may come their way. We are excited for what is to come and grateful for laughter that makes life easier to handle. 

So this is why and how I came up with the new name for our blog...

Love is a silly thing, and a silly love is what makes our spirits bright and our souls shine. I am grateful for the love that I share with my little family. 

Some people have a serious love, others have an emotional or passionate love, but ours is a silly kind of love, and I wouldn't have it any other way. 


Saturday, April 5, 2014

My Dream...

Lately I have been thinking about my life right now and how I am living the dream, well MY dream. Ever since I can remember I have wanted to be a mom so badly! Starting from when I was a little girl- pretending that my dolls were my babies, feeding them, dressing them, taking care of them when they were sick, etc. I can remember sitting in class one day dreaming about being able to stay home and take care of my babies like my mom did. I still continued to daydream this same scenario through junior high and high school. I was probably one of the only high school girls sitting in class dreaming about how I was going to take care of my little ones - How I would dress them, teach them, and play with them. I always knew exactly what I wanted- to marry the right man and start a family. That was my dream, and it has come true. I am grateful to have found Patrick, and that he had the same dream I did. I am grateful that he helped make my dream come true. I love him so much and could not live without him. He completes me and understands me better than anyone. But the thing I love most is that he gave me our baby girl. I am grateful that he works so hard for us so that I can do what I was put on this earth for - To be a mother. Multiple times a day I say to myself "My life is amazing!" I am grateful that I am able to fulfill my divine role as a mother and a wife. All my wildest dreams have come true. If you catch me smiling, that's probably why. 
- H