Sunday, May 19, 2013

Here's to New Adventures!

A LOT has happened over the last couple of months - so much that we haven't found time to write about it until now. Alright, here we go.

A couple of months ago I started the interview process with a company located in Kansas City. Yes, Kansas City. A place that we had never ever thought about moving to. In fact, the thought had never even crossed our minds because we both knew nothing about the city. After interviewing at the company's corporate headquarters, I found out that I got the job. And the whirlwind began.

Once I accepted the job it was full steam ahead - packing, planning the move, researching Kansas City and places to live, etc. We only had a few weeks to get everything together, and the hardest part about it all was that I still had to concentrate hard enough on school to graduate.

Luckily, while Hannah and her mom (K, mostly her mom...) packed up our apartment, I was able to pass all my finals and graduate - something I never thought would actually happen when I came to BYU six years ago. 

 My mommy and me

 Papa Bear
 Grandma Dit
 Some of my best buds since freshman year

We had a goodbye picnic at the park to say goodbye to all of our friends before we headed out to Kansas. It was a rockin' good time!

My freshman roommate, our best friend, and our semi-adopted child Ethan
(Holy smokes we look pale)

I can't say enough good things about Provo, even though I might make fun of it from time to time. Coming to BYU was the best decision I have ever made, because it has led to all the good in my current life - I met all of my best friends at the Y, it prepared me to be the best missionary I could be, and it led me to the girl of my dreams (Thanks Chase). Hannah and I have truly cherished our time in Provo and will always look back on the memories of our time here with fondness.

Before we moved out to Kansas, we took a little trip home to California for a week. Very uneventful since we both got the flu and were throwing up most of the week... Still great to be with family though!

Moving Day!

 On the road to Kansas, where it smelled like cows for 95% of the drive

When we got there, while we were waiting for our application to be accepted for our apartment, we decided to explore the city with Hannah's parents. Our first stop was Union Station, a 100-year old historical building that was incredible.

A view of the city
Crazy windy day
 Our first BBQ experience in KC!
Our apartment complex

Fields by our apartment complex - some good country livin! 

 Decided to visit the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art a few days before I started work. You know, to be cultured and stuff.

 The biggest birdie in the history of mankind

On Sunday we took a little road trip to Adam-ondi-Ahman. Words can't describe how peaceful it is there.

 Decorating the apartment

Hannah loves her powertools!
  The finished product
 The view from my office - can't believe how green it is here!
Our neighborhood

 The Kansas City temple

We didn't know what to expect moving out here, but we have pleasantly surprised in every way! Hannah loves the greenery and the humidity (weird, right?), and I love how family-oriented it is. We have no idea what the near future holds, but we're excited for whatever lies ahead!
- Patrick


  1. So fun!!! Congrats on a Successful Move!

  2. Great post! I feel like I have already been to Kansas City!... uh... Wait a minute.... I already have been there! :-)
    What a fun place to live!

  3. Your life is awesome! Loved the virtual tour of your apartment on Sunday. What a beautiful place!

  4. Thanks for the sharing time! We can't wait to meet Kansas City!

  5. Woo! Great updates and cute cute cute love love love happy happy happy!!!
